Don't Just Be Yourself. Become the BEST Version of You.
People want change. A former POTUS even ran for office on that idea. Inspiring quotes like, "be the change you want to see in the world" focuses on actions to take. Yet, you can't act your way to real change. It starts with a state of being. This chart, taken from You Are The Placebo by Joe Dispenza, shows that you can't just change a few things to really improve your life. You have to become a different person. 

Your past does not dictate your present or your future. Your "baggage" doesn't have to come with you. I experienced many shifts after my father died over a year ago. Old negative loops that I created around a situation I didn't understand at 12 years old have finally dissolved.

As a naive pre-teen, I watched as dad pursued a life away from our family when my parents divorced. Of course, being young I was self-centered and felt permanently wounded. I had no voice during that time. I had no choice. I carried hurts with me, even projecting those onto my husband early in our marriage. Evolution is a slow process and I worked my way through some loops through the years. I would still say "I AM ______" a morning person, a procrastinator, etc. like I had no choice in the matter. I had enjoyed studying genetics in college and knew my personality and path were rooted in my genes and that there were some faulty ones that would make me screw it all up.
Through prayer, counseling, and coaching, I have opened my eyes to the power of choice. You are not your genes as far as your personality or even your health. You're stuck with those ears, eye color, or height, but you get to decide your path and who you want to be all on your own. I choose to rise early and be productive. I choose to sleep in when I'm tired. I'm not defined by my morning routines. I choose not to get mad at stupid drivers (still working on this one), staying calm and safe, focusing on the destination. I choose to say "I'm not late, I'm in divine timing."

It begins with new conscious thoughts (decisions) which, as you keep the goal in the forefront of your mind, lead to new choices. Those choices require different behaviors which allow new experiences and feelings. We are all in process and I believe that we must keep progressing forward and evolving into the best person for our NOW. Do you want to become a new you, with new results? Stop sitting in the rut of thinking like the old you. Step bravely into your new journey. I'm right beside you.


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