The effects of aging are varying and can be hastened by mindset, diet, and activity. Watch for more information on health and aging, and my upcoming book: "Healthspan and Longevity: It’s Never Too Late to Take Charge of Your Life"
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I have seen first-hand the problems caused by expectations of aging. People expect to feel older.

Personally, I have noticed dips in my physical wellness aligning with milestone birthdays like 40 and 45. Whether that was due to my environment or only due to my subconscious sending out damaging signals, I don’t think I will definitively know.

As I approached 50, I made a conscious choice to see improvements instead of decline. So far I feel better than I have in years. Understanding the power of mindset and psychosomatic influences to change my body’s production of hormones, acids, and other reactions has been a life-changer.

When you replay negative situations, strengthening the emotional and physiological reactions to that memory and to anything similar, you limit new choices, behaviors, and experiences which keep you stuck in the past both psychologically and physiologically.

Our constant negative self-talk has worn a groove into our brains. We have 60-70,000 thoughts a day, and 90% of those are EXACTLY the same ones that we had thought the day before. Circuits become hardwired into our brains when actions are repeated so many times. The same proteins are made by activating the same responses over and over and over. Those activated genes get worn out and the proteins they make have weakened structures.* This contributes to illness and premature aging.

Think of what those negative reactions that you have trained yourself to experience every day are doing to your health.

Pessimism and anger also deteriorate our DNA, which causes shortening of our telomeres, increases stress which causes the hypothalamus to signal production of cortisol and adrenaline, which in turn increases blood pressure and heart rate. When this stress is chronic, it leads to migraines, worsened diabetes, skin conditions, increased depression, and increased anxiety.

Our thoughts can not only cause illness or disease to show up in our bodies but can generate healing and turn on a kind of time machine that reverses symptoms of aging.

*Reference: Joe Dispenza, You Are the Placebo

Watch for more information on health and aging, and my upcoming book: 
"Healthspan and Longevity: It’s Never Too Late to Take Charge of Your Life"
Click here to get on a mailing list for notifications about the book.


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