Herbal Remedies 

Here is just a small sampling of what has worked for me and others I personally know. I'll be adding sections two at a time. 
*If you're new to herbal remedies, learn a couple at a time and get comfortable with those before adding more.


Mullein is what I consider a gift from God. I had a cough and a tightness in my chest for months. I even ended up in Urgent Care where the doctor told me I had emphysema. Eeek! I used up my rescue inhaler and my son's inhaler then got to the inhaler he had in his backpack (he hadn't been needing his, thankfully). My dear husband read about mullein and found a tincture at our local health food store. It was not very tasty. I wasn't impressed. 

I was putting the 30 drops in the last couple of sips of my cooled-down coffee once a day. He reminded me that it was supposed to be taken three times a day. I moved up to twice and sometimes three times a day. After I did that for 2 days, I found that I didn't need the inhaler before going to bed and didn't wake up during the night coughing. I was excited and then made sure I was getting that tincture in anything I was drinking: coffee, water, and OJ. In the mornings, I would get a couple of good productive coughs to clear my lungs (I know, TMI, but I want to give you a heads up). I kept up the tincture 3X/day until I was no longer coughing. It really works!

A friend's daughter who is pregnant was coughing for months. No OTC meds or meds from her doctor were working. She was exhausted physically. I passed on a tincture and some tea bags of mullein. About a week later, my friend let me know that her daughter was no longer coughing and felt SO much better. The only thing she changed was the mullein. She hadn't realized how bad she was feeling until she started feeling better. MONTHS of coughing... over. She can now focus on growing her second baby and caring for her toddler without being breathless. 

I keep up the mullein by putting a teaspoon in my tea diffuser EVERY day, and have recently added stinging nettle to bolster my immune system even more.

Fennel is a culinary herb that has amazing health benefits as well. I first started using fennel seed tea while trying to increase my breast milk supply for my third child over 15 years ago. I didn't like the taste at first but would do anything for my children, so I chugged the tea. It worked.  

It also has the benefit of calming the digestive system, which I ALWAYS need. Studies have shown that fennel helps regulate the contractions of the small intestine and aids in the expulsion of gas. It also helps reduce spasms that are a part of IBS struggles. It has been a perfect addition to a lifestyle that keeps me off medication for Crohn's disease.

I have had a huge fennel plant in a pot for 6 years that I share with the black swallowtail butterflies and their babies. Pretty much every time I walk out my front door, I grab a piece of fennel and munch away. I check during the spring and summer to make sure I'm not getting an egg or smashing a baby caterpillar while I snack.

I also harvest the seeds and some branches to dry for tea. If you don't have fresh fennel, get the best deal on a bag here.
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