Intentional Living

STOP. DOING. ALL. THE. THINGS. and listen to the whispers of your heart. You were wonderfully and fearfully made, unique and beautiful.

The mantra "self-care is the first step in any relationship" is only HALF right. Why would you "care"? If I asked most of my women friends if they love themselves, I assume most would say No, but they all seem to care about themselves. Almost like a first boyfriend that's not ready for marriage, we don't want to commit.

The real Step 1 in self-care, etc. is to get in the right mind-frame. 
  1. Assess your state of being, physically. Touch is the easiest way to ground yourself and get centered. Both feet on the floor. Become aware of temperature, movement of the surrounding air, clothes on your skin, hair on your head and arms. 
  2. Breathe, even in and out (4 in and 4 out, for example), brings balance and clarity. 
  3. Feel the steady pulse of your heartbeat Take this time to correct posture to allow for the best alignment and blood flow.
  4. Pay attention to sounds around you while keeping awareness of skin and breath.
  5. Lastly, take a mouthful of water and hold it for 20-30 seconds.
Now that you are mostly present in your body, listen to what it needs. 
Are you tired? Is the tiredness physical or mental? Are you in pain? Hungry? Thirsty? Hot/cold?
What can you do NOW to correct anything that is off? Drink water, stretch, grab a blanket, take a nap.

Next, why are you taking the time to do this? Why do you care? What are your goals for yourself? 
Who is counting on you? Who could you help or support if you were able?
Having a purpose and goals keeps the focus on moving forward and positively rewards your brain even before anything is accomplished. This ends up encouraging you to continue to make more goals. Try it!

Day-to-day habits (including self-talk, affirmations, etc.) can significantly improve or destroy our health. You know that true self-care is an everyday activity, not a special occasion. True health is mental and physical well-being. If you are "all-or-nothing", stick with a daily affirmation book, Bible study, 30-minute exercise routine, and whole-foods, plant-based diet. If you can deviate from routine without being completely derailed or sliding back into bad habits, aim for 80/20 and enjoy a splurge now and then without guilt. 80% healthy foods and habits, and 20% splurges. 

Did you realize that people with positive psychological health have a lower risk of physical illness? What you think and say to and about yourself matters. It matters.

Instead of getting your nails done, shopping 'til you drop, or taking a bath twice a day, or drinking too much wine, getting present and having goals to move forward is the cheapest, quickest way to reset your body and brain for a healthy long life journey.

Make a goal. Simplify the goal into 3-5 actions. Get to it. Ev Ree Day. Love, you! Love you!

Road Trippin' with essential oils

Road Trippin' with essential oils
Traveling can be a perfect way to make amazing memories. I enjoy getting out of our routine and exploring new places. I’m a sucker for a pretty view and can watch the hills and mountains roll by for hours. Sometimes the only way to get my kids to stop fighting is to get to a campsite with a gentle stream. It’s magic!

Road trips can be stressful though, especially when you throw kids or pets into the mix. Also, don’t sneak your dogs into a hotel; they will just bark all night. UGH. Just don’t do it, unless you are running away from a flood like we were and you have no choice. Still, not pleasant. That’s why its important to be prepared, and map out kid and pet-friendly hotels before you go if you can. 

I’ve put together a list of must-have products and essential oils for traveling that cover pretty much all the bases and keep everyone content away from home.

Essential oils can be diffused, used topically, or even ingested*. I usually make diluted roller bottles and have small bottles of blends for diffusing. There are several styles of diffusers that work in the car, like personal diffusers similar to this sonic diffuser that is easy to use while on the move: or a car vent diffuser similar to this which requires no water: You can also DIY a vent diffuser by using a wooden clothespin or gluing a cotton ball to a clothespin away from the clip. Drip 2-3 drops of one of the oils onto the clothespin or cotton ball and clip to your car’s a/c vent. Um, don’t just stick a cotton ball in the vent with oils on it - ask me how I know that and if that cotton ever came off!! No, it didn’t. ;)
We also bring a full-sized diffuser for the hotel rooms. 

The "never leave home without 'em" oils:
Thieves / Thieves vitality– It freshens the air and keeps the car an anti-germ zone. This blend also contains oils that oxygenate and stimulate but don’t agitate. (I had to rhyme there). *We also love a drop in our coffee with a splash of half and half every morning.
StressAway– For when you run into traffic, detours, or speeding tickets. Also for when your kids are screaming at each other that someone “crossed the line in the seat” and are now “TOUCHING ME!” I need StressAway just thinking about it.
DiGize– I keep this in my purse at all times and use it whenever tummy troubles arise. Either rub on belly or feet, or *pop a drop in your mouth for seemingly instant relief.
Peppermint / peppermint vitality– Along with its refreshing scent, it can also soothe minor aches and tame issues caused by motion sickness. Is also helps with staying awake towards the end of your trip. *I like to put a drop in my mouth for energy or tummy support.
En-R-Gee– This is an invigorating blend. We use it to keep alert during long drives, especially at night when peppermint isn’t enough. I rarely diffuse this one though, because… kids.
Purification This is a must for bugs and for helping your lymphatic system which can get sluggish when sitting still too long. It also helps with odors in the car or hotel rooms.

Notice I don’t have any calming oils? Other than StressAway I steer clear of calming oils that might relax the driver too much. Nobody wants a sleepy driver. If we are driving long distances without a hotel stop I’ll use a Lavender lip balm or lavender oil on my chest before catching some ZZZ’s in the passenger seat. That way I get the calming and relaxing properties of the lavender without it affecting Chief or whichever teenager is taking a shift.

Travel Products for a healthier, enjoyable trip:
Thieves products – I bring the trifecta of Thieves spray, Thieves wipes, and Thieves hand sanitizer. Traveling can be a messy and germ-infested business.
Seedlings wipes– These baby wipes are used for everything from cleaning up messes, wiping off makeup, or even a mini bath if the kids (or adults) have made a mess while eating snacks or the campsite showers are too busy.
Cool Azul pain cream or Deep Relief Roller– Perfect for slathering on stiff and achy joints and muscles from all those hours in the car or pushing yourself on the long hike.
NingXia Red singles – NingXia Red is an awesome antioxidant drink and gives you a pick me up. These singles are perfect for traveling and drinking on the go. Stay healthy while away from home!
Lavender Lip Balm – Say no to chapped lips and keep this on hand. Perfect for soothing dry skin, redness, and scrapes. It’s also great for applying before a nap because of Lavender’s calming properties.
Thieves Toothpaste – My favorite product. You need toothpaste anyway, right? It has none of the junk, and a bunch of things that improve oral health. It doubles as a deodorant in a pinch. Just use a pea-sized amount and divide between your armpits. It will be minty tingly but keep you from getting stinky (your car companions will thank you).

We are looking forward to our travels to North Carolina this summer! Anyone have a favorite activity there that you want to share?
Where are you headed to for your next vacation?

Oily travels,