Pulling Out Toxins to Improve Dental Health
Being sleeping mouth-breathers, most of my family had pretty nasty morning breath. We have also been blessed with less than perfect dental records. Since starting on my better health journey, I have come across many articles on the advantages of oil pulling, and have convinced 3 of my family to join me in the habit to improve our dental health. 

Oil pulling is a very simple, inexpensive, and effective oral hygiene treatment. Several studies have shown that oil pulling could help reduce the number of harmful bacteria in the mouth, and decreasing these strains of bacteria could help prevent tooth decay and reduce the risk of cavity formation. One study found that oil pulling was as effective as antiseptic mouthwash at reducing bad breath.

When swishing through my morning routine, I realized that there are unexpected bonuses like opening my sinuses and soothing a scratchy throat! I've learned that oil pulling is believed to help in the excretion of toxic heavy metals from your body. The swishing activates salivary enzymes that absorb bacterial and environmental toxins from the blood. So it's not just good for your mouth, it's a way to detox the whole body

Two of the biggest benefits to oil pulling are how simple it is to do and how easily it can be incorporated into your daily
regimen. Additionally, it requires just one ingredient that can be found right in your kitchen.

Types of oils to use:
  • Sesame oil is the traditional oil of choice, but I didn't prefer that flavor so it went back into the cabinet for stir-frying.
  • Coconut oil is my favorite and happens to possess strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can be especially useful for oil pulling.
  • Olive oil is another popular choice thanks to its ability to fight inflammation. I've used it in a pinch, but feel there are more benefits with coconut oil.
  1. Measure one tablespoon of oil, such as coconut, sesame, or olive oil. You could also add a quality trusted essential oil here, like Orange (whitening), Lemon, or Thieves (supports immune system and dental health) to increase benefits even more!
  2. Swish it around in your mouth for 15–20 minutes, pulling it between your teeth, being mindful not to swallow any.
  3. Spit the oil into a trash can once you're done. Avoid spitting it into the sink or toilet, as this can cause a buildup of oil, which may lead to clogging.
  4. Rinse your mouth well using warm water before eating or drinking anything. (I usually rinse then brush teeth).
Repeat these steps a few times per week or up to three times daily. You may also want to work your way up, starting with swishing for just 2 to 5 minutes and increasing the duration until you're able to do it for a full 15–20 minutes. You could also start with a smaller amount of oil. It was a bit odd at first, but we all quickly acclimated.
[FYI, the oil blend will double in size over the time you squish, because of the saliva you will produce.  If it gets too uncomfortable, you can spit some of it out in a paper towel and then carry on swishing until your time is up.]  

For best results, most recommend doing this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Everyone can benefit from oil pulling. Did you realize that harmful bacteria and plaque has a link to heart issues? It's all about the inflammation, so get pulling and get healthier!



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