Do You Need Balance?
Give.        Take.       Accept.      Release.      Balance.

Do you need better balance in your life? I pray you aren't buying into the need to constantly hustle to prove your worth. Most of us end up spinning in circles, still not getting everything done because of the frantic nature of "hustle". Just like the failure of trying to multi-task well, hustle just means pressure and over-focus with other things falling by the wayside.

The best thing I have done lately is to block my time. Not just a loose plan, like, "I'll do that in the morning, then in the afternoon I'll do laundry." A written schedule of SMALL blocks of time during which I can realistically get the task completed. I usually fiddle around and lose focus of what I thought I had planned. Having it written and in an order that makes me feel accomplished, therefore getting my brain to produce happy endorphins, pushes me to get more done in less time. This way, I have more time for important things like helping my son with his schoolwork or making a healthy dinner in the afternoons. There are several free templates for time-blocking at this link. There's even an optional app if you're techy!

Speaking of meals, balancing a diet is difficult with hectic lives. It's not just the busy-ness that can hinder us, it's also the mixed messages we get while searching for the best way to feed ourselves and our families. "Eat this, not that." "Nope, you can't eat that anymore, it's bad." "Nevermind, it's now a superfood, so we jacked up the price." "Eat none of that." "Don't eat at all sometimes." UGH. It's difficult, but not impossible.

When I first got my Vitamix (check out that blog for more deets), I ended up researching raw foods and fasting. Even those people who eat all their fruits and veggies and supplement every missing mineral and vitamin know that there can be issues that cause them to go too far. One podcaster discussed fasting and how much he enjoyed longer fasts, but could only stick to a week at a time so it didn't become an eating disorder. (If this peaks your interest, look for my next blog, as I'll go through some info on the intermittent-fasting trend.)

Don't let everyone else's "perfect" diet dissuade you from starting to develop better eating habits. You are not them. They don't live in your body or know how you are feeling or what you need. If you are honest with yourself, you can find a way to improve healthy food habits that will make a big difference in your life.

Stick with it, and give yourself grace and the time to find a better balance.

Begin your better life now.
Walking with you,


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