Chicks 101

Chicks 101
This pandemic and meat shortages have people scrambling to find their own meat sources. The easiest for most is backyard chickens. We have had our backyard flock up to 34 chickens in 3 coops. We don't live on a farm, just a 1/4 acre suburban lot. These little chickens are fun and easy and poop out breakfast!

Before you entertain the idea of having your own chickens, check your city's ordinances pertaining to farm animals. In our area, the only restriction is that they can't be allowed to get on the roads. Within the city limits nearby, you are allowed 3 hens, no roosters. If you can only get a couple, try for 3. Chickens are flock animals and get fail to thrive if they are the only ones.

The most accessible way to acquire your starter flock is to get chicks. If it is "chick season", there will be many places to pick them up like Tractor Supply or your local feed store. If it is out of season, your best bet is to order them online from a source like or others. You'll have a greater variety of breeds to choose from and they are shipped right to your post office! (Read to the end for a coop deodorizing spray!)

Brooder: Before you bring your chicks home, you'll need some kind of brooder set up. The minimum basics required to keep them healthy are a way to contain them, chick feed, water, and a heat source. We have used large storage tubs, a guinea pig cage, and a dog kennel. Change bedding, like pine shavings, often. If you use newspaper for the bedding, put shavings on top, or shred the paper to allow the chicks to have better footing. If not, chicks may end up with splayed legs. 

Feed: Chick feed comes medicated or unmedicated. Make an educated choice on which you will get before they get home. Free feeding is the most common way to feed, but if you have a pest problem, feeding 2x a day works, too. If you get a feeder made for chicks, there will be less waste on the ground and no chicks that climb INTO the feeder. Here is a set of food and water containers especially for chicks.

Water: For your water, you'll need to make sure that the chicks won't fall in and drown. Adding marbles or keeping the water in a very shallow dish will keep them safe like the one pictured here. Just add a quart jar and you're set. Right when they get home, I usually add electrolytes to perk them up after their journey. Here is a set of food and water containers especially for chicks.

Heat Source: Chicks cannot regulate their own body heat, so they need an outside heater to stay warm. There are 3 good options for a hen-free heat source. I have used each one for different groups of chicks and put the products in preference order. 

The first is a combination brooder/heater that has been our favorite for the last 2 batches of chicks. SO easy and less likely to cause fires in the brooder or in the coop. The chicks go under it if they need heat, and step out to eat, drink, or cool off. The only negative about this product is that it is large and takes up most of our brooder box. We did have enough space for the food/water and a little area for them to "chill". There always needs to be space in the brooder so that the chicks can get out from underneath and control their body temperature. This method mimics being under the mama hen and allows for quicker feathering.

Next is the obvious heat lamp. They sell them at all the feed stores and come with a clamp to keep it pointed at the chicks. Either get a thermometer to see how hot it gets where the chicks are or watch the chicks' reaction and adjust accordingly. When they are too hot, they will pant and move the farthest away they can. When cold, they pile up and sit directly under the lamp. As they grow, they will need less heat. Using a red bulb reduces the instances of them pecking at each other.
A third option, similar to the larger brooder/heater and especially useful if you have a small brooder, is a heating pad. This is a fun way for the chicks to regulate their own heat. Make a little cave they can run under when they are cold. I used a dish rack with a heating pad on the top. The radiant heat kept them warm enough and as they got a few days older, I covered the heating pad with an old cloth for easier cleaning. Make sure they have room to get away from the heat. This is the second method that mimics being under the mama hen and allows for quicker feathering, but takes more cleaning and checking than the first brooder. There wasn't a good way to keep the cord protected from the curious chicks.

Lastly, have your coop set up ASAP. Make sure it is big enough for all the chickens you'll have due to chicken math. After the first week or so, handle your chicks so that they will be used to people and can be caught easier in the future.

Here is a bonus: 

Chicken Coop Deodorizing Spray
Use a 16-ounce spray bottle
Fill halfway with white vinegar.
Add 25 drops of lemon essential oil.
Add water to fill and swirl gently to mix.
Use for cleaning nest boxes, roosting bars, and general coop cleaning.

Enjoy your chicken soap opera while you drink your coffee in the mornings. They are so entertaining!

Natural Gardening

Natural Gardening
It almost goes without saying that gardening should be natural. You're in nature, dealing with dirt and living green things. What's more natural? But when it comes to bugs and brown leaves, we freak out! KILL THE BUGS WITH POISON! COAT THE PLANTS IN A TOXIN! Why? We usually want quick fixes. People are impatient, especially with the "immediate gratification" mindset of today. We also panic if this garden is to be a means to feed our family. The heavier stuff may possibly be needed as a last resort if you are gardening out of need, but why not try to reduce our toxic load and protect our children, the pollinators and our family pets who may roam into the garden.

The best defense is a great offense, so start with healthy soil. Get your soil tested to see what you are starting with as far as nutrients. If you have a university nearby, they may do this for free. There are also kits to buy. Learn what your plants like to "eat". We are trying blueberries for the first time this year, and if my dog doesn't eat both bushes, they will thrive with acidic soil. I've amended their grow pots with coffee grounds to increase acidity. Tomatoes are heavy "feeders" and leach out many nutrients (mostly the nitrogen), so planting in the same place for years will not give you healthy plants or good yields without caring for the soil between seasons. Plan to plant peas or beans in that spot between tomato plants so they can add that nitrogen back to the soil. What my grandma and so many others do to add nutrients often is to put their banana peels and eggshells at the base of plants that like/need calcium and potassium. (Did you realize you were getting into chemistry?)

You like to hang out with people you like, and your plants like to hang out with other plants they like. There are many books and charts that can help you with this. For example, two easy companions for tomatoes are marigolds and basil. There are other plants that inhibit the growth of your plants - like tomatoes do NOT like rosemary.

Water in the mornings or late afternoon. Morning waterings allow the plants to drink before the sun evaporates the water, and keeps the hot afternoon sun from burning the plants. Late afternoon waterings rehydrate what your plants lost in the afternoon sun and needs to be early enough for the plant's leaves to be dry overnight. If watering is too late in the evening, mildew can occur and damage the plants. This is a great chore for your kids. It's quite relaxing and can be meditative. You may not let your kids do it everyday if you enjoy it as much as I do. Find your rhythm.


Check each plant's needs when it comes to sunlight. Do they prefer full sun, partial sun, shade? While your veggies are growing, prune extra leaves and suckers that drain the producing energy from the plant. This allows the plant to focus on making the vegetables and get enough sun and airflow to reduce the chance of disease.

Keeping plants healthy and free from disease is not a one time check on your to-do list. When watering, look for damaged leaves, check underneath for bugs or caterpillars that can destroy your garden in a few days. Pick those off by hand any time you see them. If you get an infestation, it can be several times per day activity. Amend your soil to improve the health of the plant. Most of the time, bugs or diseases hit the weaker or sickly plants. One easy way we perk up our plants and deter bugs is to use the Thieves Household Cleaner in a spray bottle every few days. It has a soapy film to deter the bugs (and kill some, too), while at the same time giving the plants a boost in health and natural protection. Filled with essential oils, it's a plant's immune system at work! Cheap fix, too, as it only costs about $1 per bottle.

Lastly, get some books from your local library, bookstore, or online resources. You have opened Pandora's box. You didn't realize what you don't know until you start learning more and more about gardening. So many ways to encourage plants, and so many ways to discourage bugs. It's a lifelong adventure, but so worth it when you get the abundant harvest you dreamed of collecting (even if a couple of tomatoes, a handful of blueberries and a lovely cucumber is your dream).

What Are Enzymes? Do I Need Them?

Enzymes are found in every living organism and involved in every process in the body. Digestive enzymes are needed to help facilitate our digestion, allowing us to break down our foods into smaller molecules so the nutrients can be absorbed from our food.  Enzymes help make your food nutrients useful to the body and available for absorption and allow the body to be better equipped with the building blocks they need to be fully functional and operating. Enzymes make reaction processes happen faster in your body. Enzymes require minerals to perform and do their job and the body needs a variety of minerals for optimal function. When searching for places to source your enzymes, quality and purpose should be high on your list.

Did you know that enzyme production is decreased when you are exposed to stress, antibiotics, chemical cleaners, pain relievers, microwave radiation,  food that is non-living (processed food), food cooked with high heat over 120 degrees, and even some raw food? This is because enzymes are used up when breaking them down.  Enzyme levels decrease with age and enzyme excretion increases with age too.

Eating non-living food depletes our enzyme stores and they are not replaced without sufficient living food sources.

A healthy body will produce around 3000 types of enzymes with distinct roles within the body. When our enzyme reserves are diminished, we can not function optimally.

Most enzymes are proteins produced by living things. They are the catalysts in the biochemical process. In other words, they get things going and keep them going until their job is complete.

There are 3 main types of enzymes: digestive, metabolic, and food types. Enzymes facilitate building compounds, transport of elements, elimination, and the breakdown of substances in the body. Enzymes require minerals and vitamins to function. They are key players in the glandular and hormone process. Enzymes facilitate digestion and assimilation of nutrients.

Do I Have Enough Enzymes?

The gut is intricately involved in so many processes if we don’t have enough enzymes we could have trouble digesting our food. You can also have a combination of seemingly unrelated symptoms. This can all be related to our body not having enough building blocks for our body’s proper operation. Gut health is key to overall wellness. We need the gut operating optimally and one way to assist this process is through good digestive enzymes.

After digestion is completed and enzymes are finished breaking down, they enter the bloodstream as amino acids which are the building blocks for protein. Enzymes enter the bloodstream to cleanse foreign materials, help remove free radicals and potential allergens. Enzymes return to the liver and pancreas and are used again.

Digestive enzymes decrease the energy needed for actions within the body, allowing for better work efficiency,  and helping to drive minerals and vitamins into cells faster thus allowing faster break down of food for nutrient assimilation.

A Few Enzyme Types

There are thousands of enzyme varieties. When you see words ending in ‘ase’ that means it is involved in breaking something down within the body.

Protease breaks down proteins.

Peptidases break down peptides into amino acids.

Amylases break down starches and sugars.

Lactase splits the milk sugar lactose, to produce the sugars glucose and galactose.

Nucleases break down nucleic acids.

Invertase carbohydrate-digesting enzyme that splits sucrose (common table sugar) into its component parts, glucose and fructose

Cellulase breaks down cell walls (cellulose from plant walls) and polysaccharides (carbohydrate molecules).

Pepsin breaks down proteins into smaller peptides. It is produced in the stomach and is one of the main digestive enzymes that aids in protein digestion.

Phytase relates to the breakdown of grain materials.

Trypsin (a type of protease) is formed in the small intestine when in its proenzyme form, the trypsinogen produced by the pancreas, is activated.

Remember when I mentioned that quality and purpose are key when supplementing your diet with enzymes? The 26-year-old company, Young Living, offers 5 types of digestive enzymes that are infused with pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils to complement the supplement. 


Essentialzyme-4 is an animal and plant-based enzyme that contains lipase for helping to break down and digest fat. It also contains polyzyme, fiberzyme and carbozyme, these are enzyme complexes added to the supplement for additional enzymatic support. It has an enteric coated formula (HPMC) for delayed time release. The yellow capsule is immediate release, the white is delayed-release. HPMC helps hold the capsule together to allow it to make it further down into the digestive tract.

Essentialzyme-4 contains plant enzymes with a wide range of activity containing the enzymes protease, peptidase, lipase, amylase, glucoamylase, alpha-galactosidase, cellulose, and others. It is infused with ginger, fennel, tarragon, anise, and lemongrass essential oils.

Two food-based ingredients in Essentialzyme-4 are bromelain (from the pineapple stem, used in folk medicine as meat tenderizing agent) and carrot powder (contains highest enzymes found in the plant kingdom). The body accepts it as a completely natural, living enzyme formula.


Essentialzyme is a dual-layer animal based enzyme that contains pancrealipase. This enzyme breaks down fats, protein and starches. This helps prevent fatty bowel movements as fat should all be absorbed over the course of digestion.  The key enzymes in Essentialzyme function with the pancreas for proper insulin and glucose metabolism.

It also contains trypsin, bromelain, Thyme leaf powder, alfalfa, papain, cumin seed, and the essential oils of anise, fennel, peppermint, tarragon, and clove. This enzyme can be taken around mealtime, but is best 30-45 minutes before a meal.


Detoxzyme is a vegetarian-based product containing amylase, invertase, bromelain, phytase, lipase, lactase, alpha-galactosidase. This supplement contains the fewest herbs and essential oils of all the enzyme products and may be a good option for people who are sensitive to taking essential oils by mouth.  It does contain cumin, anise, and fennel. This supplement is especially good for digesting starches, fats, sugars, proteins. Detoxzyme is fast-acting.

Interesting fact, phytase is unique in that it can unlock the mineral content of many grains, nuts, seeds and other foods that contain high levels of essential minerals normally unavailable to the body.


Allerzyme is also a fully vegetarian supplement and contains amylase, bromelain, peptidase, protease, phytase, barley grass, lipase, lactase, alpha-galactidase. Allerzyme contains maltase that breaks down sugars contained in brown breads. It is the only enzyme that contains lactase (for those that are lactose intolerant). The alpha-galactidase breaks down sugars found in beans and legumes, especially good for harder to digest starches.

It contains the highest number of essential oils compared to the other formulas with tarragon, ginger, peppermint, juniper, fennel, lemongrass, anise and patchouli. This is especially good for sugar and starch breakdown, smaller amounts of fat and proteins. This is the slow-acting variety. Allerzyme contains barley grass, so keep this in mind if you are sensitive to gluten.

How to Choose?

All of the enzymes contain amylase (helps to break down starches and sugars). All of them except Detoxyzme contain peptidase (breaks down peptides into amino acids).

Allerzyme has the most enzymes and the most essential oils. As with all Young Living products, the enzyme supplements are also infused with essential oils and were specifically selected along with certain herbs for digestive support. **vegan friendly

Detoxyzme contains the fewest essential oils. Consider Detoxyzme at bedtime for further cleansing. *fast-acting  **vegan friendly

Essentialzyme has the most amounts of herbs. These can be taken with meals and throughout your day.

Essentialzyme-4 has contains plant enzymes with a wide range of activity and helps break down fat. *fast-acting

The delayed-release enzyme formulas are Essentialzyme and Allerzyme. These both can be taken early in the morning or between meals.

Enzymes For Kids (or chewables for adults)

Young Living KidScents MightyZyme is designed for children ages 2 and older. Digestive health is just as important to children and starting young is a key to maintaining a lifetime of health. This vegetarian, chewable supplement aides with normal digestion of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. It contains alfalfa leaf powder, amylase, protease, bromelain, lipase, carrot root powder, peptidase and phytase. It is infused with peppermint essential oil.

MightyZyme can be taken three times per day (1 tablet) prior to or with meals and is a chewable tablet. It is recommended that between the ages of  2 and 6 years old to take 1/2 tablet three times per day. Ages  7+ can take 1 full tablet three times per day. This is also an option for adults who prefer a chewable tablet.

MightyZyme can also be used for relief of occasional symptoms including fullness, pressure, bloating, stuffed feeling (commonly referred to as gas), pain and/or minor cramping that may occur after eating.


As with all supplements considering consulting with your health care provider to see if these would be a fit for your wellness regimen.


Road Trippin' with essential oils

Road Trippin' with essential oils
Traveling can be a perfect way to make amazing memories. I enjoy getting out of our routine and exploring new places. I’m a sucker for a pretty view and can watch the hills and mountains roll by for hours. Sometimes the only way to get my kids to stop fighting is to get to a campsite with a gentle stream. It’s magic!

Road trips can be stressful though, especially when you throw kids or pets into the mix. Also, don’t sneak your dogs into a hotel; they will just bark all night. UGH. Just don’t do it, unless you are running away from a flood like we were and you have no choice. Still, not pleasant. That’s why its important to be prepared, and map out kid and pet-friendly hotels before you go if you can. 

I’ve put together a list of must-have products and essential oils for traveling that cover pretty much all the bases and keep everyone content away from home.

Essential oils can be diffused, used topically, or even ingested*. I usually make diluted roller bottles and have small bottles of blends for diffusing. There are several styles of diffusers that work in the car, like personal diffusers similar to this sonic diffuser that is easy to use while on the move: or a car vent diffuser similar to this which requires no water: You can also DIY a vent diffuser by using a wooden clothespin or gluing a cotton ball to a clothespin away from the clip. Drip 2-3 drops of one of the oils onto the clothespin or cotton ball and clip to your car’s a/c vent. Um, don’t just stick a cotton ball in the vent with oils on it - ask me how I know that and if that cotton ever came off!! No, it didn’t. ;)
We also bring a full-sized diffuser for the hotel rooms. 

The "never leave home without 'em" oils:
Thieves / Thieves vitality– It freshens the air and keeps the car an anti-germ zone. This blend also contains oils that oxygenate and stimulate but don’t agitate. (I had to rhyme there). *We also love a drop in our coffee with a splash of half and half every morning.
StressAway– For when you run into traffic, detours, or speeding tickets. Also for when your kids are screaming at each other that someone “crossed the line in the seat” and are now “TOUCHING ME!” I need StressAway just thinking about it.
DiGize– I keep this in my purse at all times and use it whenever tummy troubles arise. Either rub on belly or feet, or *pop a drop in your mouth for seemingly instant relief.
Peppermint / peppermint vitality– Along with its refreshing scent, it can also soothe minor aches and tame issues caused by motion sickness. Is also helps with staying awake towards the end of your trip. *I like to put a drop in my mouth for energy or tummy support.
En-R-Gee– This is an invigorating blend. We use it to keep alert during long drives, especially at night when peppermint isn’t enough. I rarely diffuse this one though, because… kids.
Purification This is a must for bugs and for helping your lymphatic system which can get sluggish when sitting still too long. It also helps with odors in the car or hotel rooms.

Notice I don’t have any calming oils? Other than StressAway I steer clear of calming oils that might relax the driver too much. Nobody wants a sleepy driver. If we are driving long distances without a hotel stop I’ll use a Lavender lip balm or lavender oil on my chest before catching some ZZZ’s in the passenger seat. That way I get the calming and relaxing properties of the lavender without it affecting Chief or whichever teenager is taking a shift.

Travel Products for a healthier, enjoyable trip:
Thieves products – I bring the trifecta of Thieves spray, Thieves wipes, and Thieves hand sanitizer. Traveling can be a messy and germ-infested business.
Seedlings wipes– These baby wipes are used for everything from cleaning up messes, wiping off makeup, or even a mini bath if the kids (or adults) have made a mess while eating snacks or the campsite showers are too busy.
Cool Azul pain cream or Deep Relief Roller– Perfect for slathering on stiff and achy joints and muscles from all those hours in the car or pushing yourself on the long hike.
NingXia Red singles – NingXia Red is an awesome antioxidant drink and gives you a pick me up. These singles are perfect for traveling and drinking on the go. Stay healthy while away from home!
Lavender Lip Balm – Say no to chapped lips and keep this on hand. Perfect for soothing dry skin, redness, and scrapes. It’s also great for applying before a nap because of Lavender’s calming properties.
Thieves Toothpaste – My favorite product. You need toothpaste anyway, right? It has none of the junk, and a bunch of things that improve oral health. It doubles as a deodorant in a pinch. Just use a pea-sized amount and divide between your armpits. It will be minty tingly but keep you from getting stinky (your car companions will thank you).

We are looking forward to our travels to North Carolina this summer! Anyone have a favorite activity there that you want to share?
Where are you headed to for your next vacation?

Oily travels,

Five Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Five Ways to Boost Your Immune System
Your immune system is EVERYTHING. Let's go through some easy-to-incorporate ways my family helps our immune systems so you can help your own. Be sure to read to the end to get Two Immune-Boosting recipes that are easy and get results.


Easier said than done, right? It is important to get at least 7 hours of sleep a day! When your body does not get enough, it has a tougher time fighting off infection. We consider it "Vitamin S". Many studies even suggest that poor sleep causes weight gain. Stick to a nightly routine, power nap if you need to, just make sure you and your family are catching ZZZ’s! (See link to "guide to better sleep" at the end of the blog).

Eat healthier and eliminate processed food

Before we had our eyes open to our self-sabotaging health practices, we fed ourselves and our children many regretful things. I'm gonna tell you a little story here:
This is an example of how clueless I was about the effects of foods on wellness. For my son's 5th birthday, we got him a whole container of bubble gumballs. You know, the kind that are in gumball machines? So, what do you think he wanted to do? He chewed and spit out about 20 of them! We were on the way to a movie for his bday. We had to change plans when he started wheezing and couldn't breathe. So many nasty chemicals in those gumballs that his body went, "NOPE".  We had our final food awakening at Whole Foods shortly after (Read about that in my Vitamix blog).

You know what NOT to do, and here's where I'll tell you what TO do:
When you add fruits and vegetables as well as eliminate (or reducing) processed food, it can naturally boost your immune system. Fruits and veggies are packed with antioxidants that slow down aging, maintain heart health, lower the risk of infections, and strengthen the immune system. Processed foods have the opposite effect; they decrease our immune system and can contribute to becoming ill or having asthma attacks. These foods are not nutrient-dense, but rather filled with preservatives, artificial ingredients, and even toxins!  

Don't completely ban comfort foods (unless they are truly toxic). Graze in moderation and up your veggie and fruit game! Slowly add more veggies and eat them first, then have your normal meal. Eat a fruit smoothie for a snack, and munch on veggies or fruit in between meals! It's amazing how your body adapts and starts to crave fresh and healthy over junk food. Pay attention to how you feel before making the switch and possibly keep a journal to be completely honest.


Find a drink high in antioxidants to kick off your morning and start on the right foot! Every morning we drink one ounce of our red antioxidant drink for all the reasons listed above! During the winter months, we double it. I pop it in my family’s orange juice or add it to smoothies. Our red drink supports brain health, a healthy weight, and our immune systems. We don’t want to go without it! Hubby attributes his ability to pass his BP test during physicals to this one ounce a day! 


Exercise helps boost your cells in your body that target harmful bacteria. A daily walk, bike ride, pilates/yoga/stretch, or playing catch with your kids, are all great activities to stay active! Just do not overdo it. If your body is overworked, it can have the opposite effect.  Find a balance and get moving! 

Be proactive rather than reactive
Being proactive is essential! We seemed to be stuck in that cycle of illness every six weeks or so before we made different choices. Do not wait for sickness to strike and then try to recoup! Stop losing days and money stuck in bed due to illness or caring for your sick littles. Be proactive and consistent. START to eat healthy on a regular basis, exercise a few times a week, consume an antioxidant drink daily, get your sleep, apply oils to support your systems, and remove toxins like dangerous cleaning products, and hormone-disrupting facial and body care products.  It's easy to incorporate into your daily routine (or I wouldn’t do it). Don't fret about what you've done in the past. Start today. Start small and add things slowly. It's easier to stick with it if you don't shift EVERYTHING in your life all at once. You can do it. You will. You and your family are worth it!

Two of our favorite recipes for immune system support:
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar (We use Braggs)
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup Honey (local is best)
2 Tbs lemon juice or 4 drops Lemon essential oil
1 Tbs grated ginger (OR 1 tsp ground ginger)
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 grated clove of garlic

Mix all ingredients in a glass jar. 
Take 1 Tablespoon/day for daily boost or 2-3 Tablespoons throughout the day as needed. 

                                                  WELLNESS ROLLER BLEND                                                 
15 drops of Thieves
 5 drops of Lemon
5 drops of Purification 
10 drops of Peppermint 
5 drops of Frankincense 
5 drops of Oregano 
Add oils to a 15 ml roller and top with a carrier oil. 
Roll on your spine and/or feet before leaving the house and before bed.
What are your immune-boosting tips? I'd love to hear your ideas! 😊

Have you struggled to get good sleep? You'll LOVE my guide "Get Better Sleep Now". Check it out here!

If you'd like to hear all about how to Ditch your toxic cleaning products and find natural cleaners that WORK, click here.

Pulling Out Toxins to Improve Dental Health

Pulling Out Toxins to Improve Dental Health
Being sleeping mouth-breathers, most of my family had pretty nasty morning breath. We have also been blessed with less than perfect dental records. Since starting on my better health journey, I have come across many articles on the advantages of oil pulling, and have convinced 3 of my family to join me in the habit to improve our dental health. 

Oil pulling is a very simple, inexpensive, and effective oral hygiene treatment. Several studies have shown that oil pulling could help reduce the number of harmful bacteria in the mouth, and decreasing these strains of bacteria could help prevent tooth decay and reduce the risk of cavity formation. One study found that oil pulling was as effective as antiseptic mouthwash at reducing bad breath.

When swishing through my morning routine, I realized that there are unexpected bonuses like opening my sinuses and soothing a scratchy throat! I've learned that oil pulling is believed to help in the excretion of toxic heavy metals from your body. The swishing activates salivary enzymes that absorb bacterial and environmental toxins from the blood. So it's not just good for your mouth, it's a way to detox the whole body

Two of the biggest benefits to oil pulling are how simple it is to do and how easily it can be incorporated into your daily
regimen. Additionally, it requires just one ingredient that can be found right in your kitchen.

Types of oils to use:
  • Sesame oil is the traditional oil of choice, but I didn't prefer that flavor so it went back into the cabinet for stir-frying.
  • Coconut oil is my favorite and happens to possess strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can be especially useful for oil pulling.
  • Olive oil is another popular choice thanks to its ability to fight inflammation. I've used it in a pinch, but feel there are more benefits with coconut oil.
  1. Measure one tablespoon of oil, such as coconut, sesame, or olive oil. You could also add a quality trusted essential oil here, like Orange (whitening), Lemon, or Thieves (supports immune system and dental health) to increase benefits even more!
  2. Swish it around in your mouth for 15–20 minutes, pulling it between your teeth, being mindful not to swallow any.
  3. Spit the oil into a trash can once you're done. Avoid spitting it into the sink or toilet, as this can cause a buildup of oil, which may lead to clogging.
  4. Rinse your mouth well using warm water before eating or drinking anything. (I usually rinse then brush teeth).
Repeat these steps a few times per week or up to three times daily. You may also want to work your way up, starting with swishing for just 2 to 5 minutes and increasing the duration until you're able to do it for a full 15–20 minutes. You could also start with a smaller amount of oil. It was a bit odd at first, but we all quickly acclimated.
[FYI, the oil blend will double in size over the time you squish, because of the saliva you will produce.  If it gets too uncomfortable, you can spit some of it out in a paper towel and then carry on swishing until your time is up.]  

For best results, most recommend doing this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Everyone can benefit from oil pulling. Did you realize that harmful bacteria and plaque has a link to heart issues? It's all about the inflammation, so get pulling and get healthier!


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