It's time to find your 
and live at your potential

Ready to find confidence & power with new awareness? I'm ready

Oftentimes we just try to make it through the day. Few people take the time to stop and observe. Injury and disease creep in and gain a strong foothold when we are "too busy" to notice.  Only when it knocks us to our knees do we start to pay attention. 

In my blog post about building our immune system, I mentioned being proactive. What is your body's truth?
 You know about you. You are living in your body. 
No one else can tell you how it feels to be you.  

The first step to listening to your body's truth is to slow down and... 

...Inhale through your nose, then exhale, pressing your shoulders down and lifting through the crown of your skull.

Most people breathe shallow and quick breaths which leads to more anxious feelings and a lack of focus. Breathing correctly is a powerful and immediate way to become more aware. It's also a health boost. You'll be able to slow your heartbeat, lower your BP, and put away the manic thoughts and scatter-mindedness that most of us experience. I would love for you to learn more from the guide to three ways to improve your health through breath.

Your body is sending you messages, core, gut feelings, all the time. 
You don't need to reason them, logic them, or intellectualize them.
You just need to act on them.

When you learn your body's truths, you can finally move forward instead of treading water in life. 

Free Guide: Change Your Sleep, Change Your Life get my guide

For years I dealt with health issues. I felt like they were ignored or dismissed by doctors. It was very frustrating. 

I had always trusted or accepted advice and instructions from medical professionals as gospel, but recommendations didn't work and my truths seemed irrelevant to them. 

They were regular folks who happen to be doctors, not gods to be put on pedestals. 

I walked out of an appointment with an unneeded prescription after spending hours on research about vitamin deficiencies, then decided it's time to step up and do some self-care, solve underlying issues and learn how the body worked as a whole, instead of just focusing on symptoms.

Do you ever feel dismissed or ignored when it comes to health issues in yourself or your family? Start being an advocate that stands up for truth and whole-body wellness. 

The place to start is awareness. I'll teach you how to begin and give you the tools to connect. I'm here to help.
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Every week, I share a new recipe, homestead tip, or bit of truth to help moms find truth & balance, and learn how to live a clean & vibrant life in a crazy world.


intermittent fasting course

Learn the what and how of fasting, benefits of fasting, recipes, caveats, and how to have balance with your body and diet.

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