Christy LaStrapes

"I don't know where the time went!"

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Knocking Down Pedestals


For years I have dealt with health issues. I felt like they were ignored or dismissed by doctors. It was very frustrating. 

I had always trusted or accepted all advice and instructions from medical professionals as gospel. Always the rule-follower, I did my best to do as told. Recommendations didn't work and my truths seemed irrelevant to them, not fitting into what I now know is a limited education in "natural" remedies. 

They were regular folks who happen to be doctors, not gods to be put on pedestals. 

Walking out of an appointment with an unneeded prescription for an anti-depressant after spending hours on research about vitamin deficiencies was the last time I allowed my rule-following self to feel defeated. Time to step up and do some self-care. 

I jumped into looking for what WORKED to solve underlying issues. Reading and researching how to see how the body worked as a whole, instead of just focusing on symptoms was a game-changer.

Do you ever feel like you are being dismissed or ignored when it comes to health issues in yourself or your family? Start being an advocate that stands up for truth and whole body wellness. 

The place to start is awareness. I'll show you many ways to understand what it means to be aware and give you the tools to connect. I'd love to help.

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